WHCA General Meeting Tuesday, March 20th at 7pm / by Lori Bigler

The March General Meeting of the WHCA will take place on Tuesday, March 20th at 7pm in the cafeteria at Hogg Middle School, 1100 Merrill. 

The focus of this meeting will be the election of a new board of directors for the 2018-19 fiscal year. Matt Reynolds, President-Elect in 2017-18, will transition into the role of President for the coming year. All other board positions are up for election.

For the past six weeks the nominating committee has been seeking candidates to run for the board. Those who wish to run for a position must be WHCA members in good standing and submit a completed application form to the nominating committee no later than Monday, March 19th. Completed application forms can be emailed to nominations@woodland-heights.org.

Nominations from the floor of the meeting are not allowed. All WHCA Board members must be current homeowner members of the WHCA, and the VP of Deed Restrictions must also be a licensed attorney.

This meeting is your once a year opportunity to meet the candidates and cast your vote for who you think should help steer WHCA for the coming year. Come let your voice be heard!