Constable Patrol: October 2015 / by Guest User

Newsletter readers: To view charts of crime stats please visit this article on the WHCA website.

Theft from vehicles is the most prevalent crime. Please don’t leave valuables in your car — 6 parking lot thefts this month were at local businesses equally split between bars and restaurants. Auto thefts in the 200 block of W Norma and 1000 block Euclid; robbery at business in 3200 block of Houston Ave. The City of Houston lags in releasing summary monthly crime stats. To stay more current and to get details for our neighborhood, about once a week I monitor daily crime reports, and accumulate the data to arrive at the crime data presented here.

HPD Beat 2A30 – Stats for WHCA Area

WHCA vs. Entire 2A30 HPD Beat

Constable Report

We remind everyone that for a crime in progress, please call 911 first, principally because we do not have 24/7 deputy coverage. If our deputies are on duty, they should be monitoring those calls, though you can also call Precinct One dispatch after calling 911 for crimes in progress. The most consistent feedback I get from our deputies is that they want us to call if we see something that doesn’t seem right. So don’t hesitate to call.

Our deputies come to work in our neighborhood, and remain through their shift, unless they are called to respond to a nearby contract. The deputies spend their shift cruising the neighborhood. When they stop to look at something or take some action, they keep a log, so we have a general idea of their activities.  For October 2015 here is some of their activity:

Constable Patrol Log for Oct. 2015