
Help Wanted: Delivering WHCA Newsletters by Lori Bigler

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The latest WHCA newsletter with all the info about the coming Home Tour is ready for distribution. The printed goods have been sorted into folders block-by-block and are now ready for pickup.

If you are able to help us deliver these goodies please use the following link to access the Sign-Up Genius project (it's free!) Once logged in you can select which blocks you'd like to commit to delivering.

After you sign-up you'll receive an email with guidance on where to collect the goods.

Only a handful of people have signed up so far. We have 2100 newsletters to deliver to 197 blocks. It's a big job and we need your help!

Update: Sunday, March 8th @ 4pm - Currently just a handful of people have signed-up to deliver to 90 of 197 blocks in Woodland heights. That’s just 46% of the neighborhood!

WHCA February Newsletter Advance Edition by Lori Bigler

Pssst! Hey, buddy. C’mere a minute. I know you. I’ve seen you around these parts before. You’re a neighbor, right?

You look like the kind person who likes to be in-the-know. Y’know. A little ahead of the crowd. Clued in, right!

I can help you out in that regard. You see, I happen to know that the next WHCA newsletter is off being printed right now. But I know a guy, who knows a guy. Y’know. I got a special advanced copy. All PDF-like for people who knows computers and stuff. Just click the picture of the cover over there.

You can thank me later.

WHCA August Newsletter Is Almost At Your Doorstep by Lori Bigler

As we pass the anniversary of Hurricane Harvey with a blissfully quiet week in WH, I'm pleased to announce that the next printed WHCA newsletter is on its way. Our squadron of volunteer block captains, under the direction of Andrea Gorney, begins distribution today.

This issue highlights various facets of the planning for the 31st annual Lights in the Heights and related events. This year LITH events start in September, with a LITH Neighborhood Forum at the WHCA General Meeting on Sept 11th.

Beyond LITH, this issue also includes an article about Bike Share Houston and Jay Francis' take on the chile con queso recipe from Felix Mexican Restaurant on Westheimer.

While the printed version will be at your door shortly, you can download an electronic version right now by clicking on the image above.

WHCA February Newsletter En Route To Your Doorstep by Lori Bigler

Hello again - the latest WHCA newsletter is currently being distributed by our block captains. Normally, our February newsletter would be in email form, but this year is a little different. The return of the biannual Home Tour on the weekend of March 23-25 prompted a decision to print this edition, which is chock full of details about eight fabulous homes on this year's home tour, and how you can get to see them.

This issue also includes an article by Matt Johnson about the status of the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program. As WHCA VP of Infrastructure, Matt has been  the WHCA's liaison to the Public Works Department, who are responsible for the traffic calming program.

While the printed version will be at your door shortly, you can download an electronic version right now by clicking on the image to the right.

This weary editor would like to thank everyone who contributed to this issue.