WHCA Security Update / by Lori Bigler

I love to listen to music loud while my windows are rolled down and my hair is whipping around every which way. One particular evening, REM was playing…

Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn………..It’s the end of the world as we know it…..

And I wasn’t feeling so fine. In fact, I almost ran over my neighbor when he was walking his dog……..What?

Did I get your attention? No one was hurt or even close to it, but I did talk to my neighbor. We talked about current events, life, religion and all the big things :) After our very detailed five minute conversation, he asked me something…”do you remember that Dr. Seuss quote?”

We’ve got to make noises in greater amounts!
So open your mouth lad for every voice counts!!!!!!!!

How are you going to make your voice count?
I’ll use my voice to ask, have signed up for
the constable patrol program?

August numbers:

  • 2 motor vehicle burglaries

  • 2 theft other

  • 1 Missing person

  • 1 stolen vehicle

  • 1 arson

A missing person who wondered away from home was found promptly by Deputy Vest and HPD. The son was very complementary about our constable.